Roswell Park Cancer Institute purchased an institutional license for use of the GeneTegra Enterprise system. RPCI, located in Buffalo, New York, is America’s oldest cancer center, and is designated a Comprehensive Cancer Center by NCI. A thorough trial period lasting several months was engaged with IT research personnel at RPCI, during which the application was stringently evaluated for functionality, usability, and security, and during which INFOTECH Soft’s development and support team provided updates reflecting customer requirements. GeneTegra is currently being used by RPCI cancer researchers to integrate information from several databases containing genetic, tissue, pathology, and clinical data.
About GeneTegra:
GeneTegra is a federated information integration solution that provides a common interaction environment to query data and knowledge from multiple sources The GeneTegra project implements a local-as-view approach to information integration, useful for situations where there does not exist a global reference ontology or taxonomy linked to data sources. The system uses ontologies as a common model for the syntax and semantics of data sources; it is designed to automatically generate ontologies as common representations of heterogeneous data sources, and to align these ontologies with each other to provide a common environment for the execution of queries. As such, it has resulted in a series of algorithms that are currently being implemented as a comprehensive integration solution, including our ASMOV algorithm for ontology alignment, which has consistently been one of the best performing solutions in the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) contest, our semQA query algebra extension for distributing SPARQL queries, and the semCDI query formulation model, which enables the utilization of terminological and ontological relationships for data aggregation to join and query different data models
GeneTegra was developed under grant (1R43RR018667) with the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR).
About INFOTECH Soft:
INFOTECH Soft, based in Miami, Florida, is a company dedicated to the development of high quality, state-of-the-art software solutions for life sciences research. INFOTECH Soft specializes in the application of Semantic Web technology to information retrieval and integration for health research. Its staff consists of computer scientists and engineers with advanced post-graduate degrees, and with many years of collective experience in the design, development, production, marketing, sales, and support of sophisticated software solutions.